Friday, December 31, 2010

Nose Care

Nose is one of the body parts, which are easily affected by the environment. Its function and shape may be changed if its complex network of bone and cartilage has been damaged by any type of infection. In addition to controlling humidity of the air you take in, it also filters out unnecessary substances. Humidity is controlled by a damp tissue known as mucosal tissue within your nasal cavities. This is the same kind of tissue, which lays the inside of your mouth. The nose is good at providing additional moisture to dry air than it is at reducing the moisture in air that is too moist. So we should take care of nose to get an attractive look.
So it’s very important to look after your nose. For curing nose from different diseases we need to collect some important information. As bath the nose with cold water and clean it regularly. Leave the bad habits such as nose-picking, massage with hard hand (rubbing); sniffing, blowing the noses hard or stuffing things such as round rings, paper and handkerchiefs up to the nostril can do a lot of harm to your nose. External part of our nose is covered by a layer of skin.
Cold is a common problem that affects everybody at any time .It is mainly caused by infection and viral. The infection causes are dust, pollutions. The main symptoms are runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. The seriousness of cold diseases depends on how strong our immune system. There is no cure for that diseases commonly  but there are some tips to get better  from this problem the infected persons need to keep rest, take a lot of water and some medically treatments. We will take more supplements included vitamins C, Zinc.
Allergies and infection problems are also common problems with nose. Symptoms of the same are becoming red of nose tip and continuous sneezing.  The common reasons behind it are dust, pollution in environment and flower smale. Some of the peoples can’t take air in the environment of smoke and the animal’s area where the animal dandruff exist and it will be the reason of allergy for them.
If you have any of these problems then you should save yourself to go these areas in which dust, smoke and animal dandruff exist. If you suffered by these disease then you should take advice and treatment as soon as possible otherwise it may be a big problem.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lip care


Lips are the most sensitive part of our body and therefore require constant nurturing. Thus, it is of prime importance to pay attention to your lips. Dry chapped lips spoil the whole look and make your face appear dull, pale and unattractive. Well, in this article, we will present you with a couple of tips on how to take care of your lips, so read on.Lip care does not comprise of a single task, but a series of activities that need to be performed on a constant basis to get a fruitful result. Luscious lips set the perfect mood for romance. To reduce the proximity between you and your partner, take regular care of your lips, so that they look fresh and healthy. Luscious lips also provide you the opportunity to stand out in the crowd. They bring you in the limelight.
Protect your lips from the harsh weather conditions. Eat plenty of green veggies and fruits. Gorge on foods rich in Vitamins. Increase your intake of water. Apply lip balm and keep your lips moisturized. Lips will look beautiful and attractive only if they are healthy. Applying makeup on dry chapped dark lips will not make them appear eye-catchy. It can only invite unwanted attention that brings forth the fact that your lips are dry and chapped. Refrain from licking your lips. In this section, we will throw light on the following aspects related to lips:

Lips go through a bad time during cold and dry months. They have a real tough time coping with the worst climatic conditions. Dry chapped lips, which are the result of lack of moisture in the skin, lead to embarrassment and frustration. It is here that lip balms come to rescue.

Lip gloss not just lends a moisturizing effect to your lips, but also makes it appear luscious. It is one among the various cosmetic products that women use to adorn themselves. It brings about a major change in the way your lips look. To cater to the varying needs of customers, there is a multitude of lip glosses offered in the market.

In the present era, people are becoming extremely conscious about their looks. The desire to look beautiful and attractive is so deeply rooted in people, especially women that they are resorting to almost every possible procedure that enhances their beauty. Lip augmentation surgery is increasingly gaining popularity, as it helps a great deal in making the lips appear attractive.

When it comes to body care, lips are usually deprived of pampering and nourishment. Since lips are the most visible part of the human body, they truly deserve special attention. When the lips lose their moisture, they become chapped and dry.

Cosmetic lip tattooing is not a trend of the present era. Infact, it has been practiced since the bygone times. Its origin can be traced back to the times of ancient African and Mediterranean cultures. It is a primitive body art that has been more often resorted to by women to give their lips a perfect look and enhance their beauty.

In the contemporary times, people are becoming simply crazy about body piercings, especially lip and tongue piercing. Lip piercing is very much in vogue these days. It is a type of body piercing which involves penetrating into the lip or the area surrounding the lip. Lip piercing was initially practiced by the African tribes, who wore ornamental lip plates in their lower lip.

Applying lipstick is an art and therefore not everyone's cup of tea. It requires a specific technique, which most women are unaware of. There is a proper way of wearing lipstick. But, unfortunately many females escape the long procedure and resort to a short cut method, which mars the whole look.

For getting rid of the problem of dry chapped lips, there are plenty of home remedies available. The best thing about them is that, being natural, they are absolutely safe to use. On losing moisture, the lips tend to crack and turn dry. In this situation, refrain from licking the lips, as it can worsen the problem.

Hair Care

There�s just something so sexy about being a woman. Buying new lingerie, donning a new look with a great makeover, trying out a new hairstyle or hair color�. We all need a change sometimes, and what better to change than the color of our hair?
Dyeing our hair a new shade shifts us into a new sense of being, gives us a new persona to assume and fulfill. We can be the boisterous blonde we never were, the seductive brunette, the electric redhead or the mysterious ebony-haired beauty. And with this exciting new shade also comes a stunning blast of self-confidence and invigoration.
Changing the color of our hair gives us freedom and a sense of renewal, even if the only thing different from yesterday to today is the color of the strands on our heads. Depending on your comfort levels, you can try at-home coloring kits or you can make an appointment with your stylist. Opt for highlights only or color your entire mane for the ultimate head-turning factor.
Hair normally has a moisture content of approximately 10%. If your hair�s moisture content drops below this level the key is to increase the hair�s ability of attract and retain moisture. This is accomplished by using moisturizers.
Good ones have "humectants" that not only replace lost moisture but actually attract moisture and retain it in the cortex of the hair. Essential fatty aids (EFA�s) are great moisturizers. One of the best and most cost effective essential fatty acids is safflower oil. It is the kind you can buy to cook with. It is rich in EFA�s.
The scalp produces the best EFA�s called sebum. The problems is once the hair grows past the neck line or does not have direct contact with the scalp the scalps natural oils can not be utilized throughout the hair shaft.
You can manually replace the lost  by:
  • Placing 1 or 2 drops of safflower oil in your palms and rub them together.
  • There should only be enough to make your hands "shine" in the light.
  • Carefully take your hair (while dry) and "scrunch" the small amount of oil to the ENDS first and work toward the scalp.
  • Leave this in your hair.
  • 1-2 drops of safflower oil on dry hair is so small, you won�t notice it is there.

Doing the above as often as necessary will ensure your dry hair will have the proper amount of humectants to attract and reatin moisture. The key is that a small amount will go a long way.

Body Care

There are lots of reasons to appreciate, even cherish for the body you have. For one thing, accepting yourself is a lot more fun, and wastes away less time, than constantly consuming over what you don't like, don't have etc. Your body is yours, uniquely yours, to use, take care of, and to treasure. Your mind rules your body, so learn simple ways to keep your body in line! You don't need to diet to lose weight and maintain it. In fact 99% of dieters regain what they lost and gain even more weight. Instead of useless and frustrating diets, try simple, research-proven tips for keeping slim, trim and well:If you’ve been trying to lose weight, chances are you’re frustrated. Weight-loss pills and juices are over-hyped - and sometimes downright dangerous. And let’s not even talk about the risks of liposuction or surgery! The simple truth is that you don’t have to live on a diet treadmill. You don’t have to resort to drastic or dangerous pills or surgeries. With just two simple numbers, you can lose weight – quickly, safely and permanently.Get this FREE weight loss report: "Fat Loss By the Numbers". What you’ll discover in this report will startle you. For example:

Avoid this popular artificial sweetener... unless you’re looking for a dose of poisonous chlorine!
Dying for a sweet treat? Here’s why ice cream – yes, ice cream! – is one of your better choices.
All sugar is bad, right? Wrong! Natural sugars are much better for you than these so-called healthy foods.

Plus, I’ve included a chart of many common foods, so you can see which foods are the best to eat for quick weight loss – and which to avoid. Simply put, losing weight has never been easier.

Monday, December 27, 2010


There's tried-and-true ways to properly care for your skin, from the right way to cleanse your face, to the best moisturizers and sunscreens.
Before we start with the proper daily 4-step skincare routine, you'll need to know your skin type. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- are five basic skin care types: Oily, combination, sensitive, dry and sun-damaged. Your skin type is determined by how much -- or how little -- oil your skin produces. Genes, diet, stress level, medication and even your skincare regimen all determine how much oil your skin produces.
Here's how to tell what skin type you have
Berg suggests you take the "skin test." Wash your face, pat it dry, then take a few pieces of rice paper or lens-cleaning tissue paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily spots and become translucent. If the paper doesn't stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your t-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70 percent of women have combination skin.
Here are the five different skin types and their characteristics.
  • Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes. You might experience some tightness.
  • Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.
  • Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic and can be rashy.
  • Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.
  • Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks and jawline -- with leathery texture and broken capillaries.

History of Battambang ប្រវត្តិខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Battambang city (Khmerក្រុងបាត់ដំបង) is the capital city of Battambang province in northwestern Cambodia.
Battambang is the second-largest city in Cambodia with a population of over 250,000. Founded in the 11th century by the Khmer Empire, Battambang is well known for being the leading rice-producing province of the country. For over 500 years, it was the main commercial hub of Siam's Eastern Provinces, though it was always populated by a mix of ethnic Thai, Lao, Chinese and Cambodians. Still today Battambang is the main hub of the Northwest connecting the entire region with Phnom Penh and Thailand, and as such it’s a vital link to Cambodia.
The city is situated by the Sangker River, a tranquil, small body of water that winds its way through Battambang Province providing its nice picturesque setting. As with much of Cambodia, the French Colonial architecture is an attractive bonus of the city. It is home to some of the best-preserved, French colonial architecture in the country.

Monday, December 20, 2010

SD CD Vol 110 (លើកទីមួយដែលបងសុំយំ)


០១ - លើកទីមួយដែលបងសុំយំ ( កែវ វាសនា )
០២ - ដល់ក្រុងលង់ស្នេហ៍ (ជុំ លីណូ)
០៣ - មនុស្សខ្ញុំកំពុងស្នេហ៍លួចមានអ្នកផ្សេង ( អ៊ីវ៉ា )
០៤ - វិប្បដិសារី ( MY )
០៥ - បងនឹងប្រាប់គេថាអូនបែកបងហើយ (​ កែវ វាសនា )
០៦ - អូនឬអ្នករង់ចាំតែមនុស្សក្បត់ ( អ៊ីវ៉ា )
០៧ - លើកលែង ( MY )
០៨ - ចង់ប្រាប់ពាក្យក្នុងចិត្ត ( អ៊ីវ៉ា )
០៩ - ចង់កែតែគ្មានឳកាស ( ជុំ លីណូ )
១០ - ទុកបងជាសង្សារជំនួសគេបានទេ ( កែវ វាសនា )

Friday, December 17, 2010

Classic CD Vol 18 (ស្អប់ខ្លួនឯង)



០១ - ស្អប់ខ្លួនឯង ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០២ - ម៉ែប្រពន្ធ ម៉ែប្រចណ្ឌ ( បូរី )
០៣ - លោកប្តីកំហូច ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០៤ - ល្មមហើយលោកប្តី ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០៥ - ជ្រុលចិត្តមានថ្មីអ្វីៗក៏ត្រូវបញ្ចប់ ( អារីយ៉ា - បូរី )
០៦ - ផ្ញើរសង្សារផង ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០៧ - ចន្ទមួយចំណិត ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០៨ - ទឹកភ្នែកស្នេហ៍ ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )
០៩ - One Love ( សុគន្ធ អារីយ៉ា )

BigMan CD Vol 09 (សុខៗសង្សារសុំបែក)


០១ - សុខៗសង្សារសុំបែក ( ឆាយ វីរៈយុទ្ធ )
០២ - អុនគ្រាន់តែជាមនុស្សដែលគេអាណិត ( ហេង ពិទូ )
០៣ - កំដរអូនបំភ្លេចគេ ( ឆាយ វីរៈយុទ្ធ )
០៤ - ឈឺចាប់ម្នាក់ឯងប្រសើរជាងឈឺចាប់កំដរអូន ( ហេង ពិទូ )
០៥ - បែកគ្នាល្អជាង ( សុខ ស្រីនាង )
០៦ - បេះដូងដូចដើម ( សុខ ស្រីនាង )
០៧ - ដំណែងមនុស្សស្មោះ ( ឃុំ ប៉ុណ្ណាដែត )
០៨ - បងអ្នកឈឺចាប់ អូនអ្នកទឹកភ្នែក ( សុខ ស្រីនាង )
០៩ - ជឿជាក់ជំនួសក្បត់ ( ឃុំ ប៉ុណ្ណាដែត )
១០ - ព្រោះដឹងមិនជួប ( ឃុំ ប៉ុណ្ណាដែត )
១១ - វិថីស្នេហ៍ដែលគ្មានអូន _Remix ( សូលីដូ)

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The history of Batta

Battambang city (Khmer: ក្រុងបាត់ដំបង) is the capital city of Battambang province in northwestern Cambodia.
Battambang is the second-largest city in Cambodia with a population of over 250,000. Founded in the 11th century by the Khmer Empire, Battambang is well known for being the leading rice-producing province of the country. For over 500 years, it was the main commercial hub of Siam's Eastern Provinces, though it was always populated by a mix of ethnic Thai, Lao, Chinese and Cambodians. Still today Battambang is the main hub of the Northwest connecting the entire region with Phnom Penh and Thailand, and as such it’s a vital link to Cambodia.
The city is situated by the Sangker River, a tranquil, small body of water that winds its way through Battambang Province providing its nice picturesque setting. As with much of Cambodia, the French Colonial architecture is an attractive bonus of the city. It is home to some of the best-preserved, French colonial architecture in the country.

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